Creating a user with home directory, permissions, and SSH
This example creates a user (if it doesn't exist). Home folder is also created and permissions are set. The authorized_keys
file is kept in sync with the root users public key. If anyone tries to delete/change any of these files, the agent will correct it on the next run.
body file control { inputs => { "$(sys.libdir)/" }; }
bundle agent manage_user
string => "cfdropbox";
string => "/home/$(user)";
slist => {
policy => "present",
home_dir => "$(home)";
create => "true";
depth_search => recurse_with_base("inf"),
file_select => all,
perms => mo("600", "$(user)");
copy_from => copyfrom_sync("/root/.ssh/");
bundle agent __main__
"manage_user" usebundle => manage_user;
Run the policy with:
$ cf-agent -I -f ./ --no-lock
The -I
(inform) option shows what changes the agent is making.